Last night I experienced my welcome enkai (drinking party) with coworkers.  Apparently, I belong to the Health and Environment section of my school, so those folks threw me my welcome party.  It was a small showing, just six other teachers.  Two of the six I had not spoken to before. 
One of the teachers, Kuroki sensei lives in my apartment complex, so I got a ride from him and other teacher, Meguri sensei tagged along.  It was pouring rain and Kuroki had to push all of the junk in his back seat aside so that it could accommodate three.  I got shotgun and off we went.  Meguri can speak some English (the best speaker in the bunch) and in the car we talked about movies like “Big” and we talked music touching upon Nirvana and Kurt Cobain…..then he told be about his love for Beevis and Buthead which I found comical that a thirty-seven year old Japanese man enjoys MTV.  Then, there was the first sexual comment of the night…here‘s how it went down: I asked Meguri if he was going to ride with us on the return trip home after the party because his house is forty minutes away and I thought he had mentioned a few days before that he would be staying with Kuroki.  He said, “ yes…I sleep in Nicole’s room…….no no….hahaha…Japanese joke” Ohhh boy.
We arrived at a restaurant called Silver Moon and all of the others were already there ready to go.  It was an izakaya sttyle restaurant which is a drinking establishment/restaurant.  Izakaya dining in Japan is known for having a nomihodai ("all you can drink") and tabehodai ("all you can eat").  For a set price per person, customers can continue ordering as much food and / or drink as they wish, with a usual time limit of two or three hours. Drinks and food can be ordered using a special menu but the variety is awesome.

At the izakaya, we called out kanpaiiiiiii and clinked our glasses…and this was the start.  Our motley crue consisted of the school nurse , three agricultural teachers, one lady who I have no idea her job, and the PE teacher/ baseball coach (the most popular teacher at my school).  The nurse and the baseball teacher could commuinate with some English and I enjoyed that they made an effort to talk to me in English, even though it was difficult.  The highlights in the conversation were………. the five second rule……baseball and the SF Giants….diabetes…..artificial insemination/ embryo transfer for cows (I particularly enjoyed the gesturing for this topic)  The alcohol and food were flowing.  Two people in the group just had tea and other nonalcoholic drinks, like my driver.  It is completely illegal to drink and drive here…the alcohol in the blood should be zero.  Which, by the way, here’s a cool side note….there is a Daiko service that any driver can use. It works like a cab would except the cab service has two employees set up with one taxi… worker will drive you home in your own car and the other will follow you in the taxi.  Once you and your car are deposited to their rightful home, your driver will hop into the cab and leave.  The cost is about the same as a regular cab fare….awesome.
  Ok, so back to the party….. I started with beer and then switched to shochu (sweet potato alcohol) which apparently has zero calories/ empty calories which makes me like it even more. Meguri sensei switched over to  drinking Highballs (a whiskey mix) soon he was just going through them, mug after mug, like water….and needless to say….got super drunk. He make the drunken mistake of ordering a whole bottle of shochu for last call and when it arrived, nobody drank any and it was time to go.
After we walked out of the restaurant, I was told “next place.” It is customary to have an after party after the main drinking party. At this time, four people left our group, the two ladies and one agricultural teacher.  Then, our driver, Kuroki said he wanted to go home and nap (he was sleeping at the dinner table earlier), but he said we should call him when were done and he’ll come back to pick us up. So our numbers were down to three.  We met up with another teacher, Ando, who teaches technology.  Together we went to a new bar.  There, I was teaching everybody how to do…”high five….down low…too slow” and they were loving it! The bartender had me show her too.   And after many more drinks came….Mergri sensei kept on staring at me longingly and repeating…..”I love you” to me.  Then the others joined in on the action…they were telling me to choose between them which one I liked.  I said no, no no….and tried to change the subject, but they wouldn’t give up….so I pointed to the lady bartender and said…”I choose her.” Ando teacher said “Oooooh heartbreaker” and did a gesture which his hand showing a heart being ripped apart.  haha. 
Then…..more and more drinks and Meguri started getting a ‘lil freshie with his words. Haha  He started in on the “… I go to nicole’s place?”  “….but I love youuuuu”…..then he had me look up words on my iPhone Jishobot  app. (Japanese dictionary) he had me look up   uwaki (extramarital sex, affair, fooling around) and daiji (serious)……He continued to ask and I continued to shoot him down…the female bartender found this routine to be rather amusing. The baseball coach started to chime in “love…..catch ball” in the mix. 
I  got my palm read by the bar owner….she said I had miyoki (charm)…but  most of the reading didn’t fit my situation, like she said I was homesick and was crying and upset and wanted to go home (far from reality)
Finally it was time to go.  Kuroki sensei was called and we all waited along the main street for him to come.  Meguri continued to try and get some play and then, decided it was a good idea to display his butt for all to see.  He kept pulling his pants down to reveal his bottom….right smack in the middle of down town Miyazaki…..maybe he thought that this surely would persuade me.
Kuroki arrived and we said goodbye to the others.  I rode in the front seat again and Meguri in the back ….he continued on with the “but….I lovvvve youuus”  and Nicole is cute then he became slumped, face-down on the center consol of the car….he made continuous reaches for my hand or tried to pet my arm….but remained in a glossy-eyed stooped position.  The driver, Kuroki, began serving as my protector, combating him away.  Finally,  Meguri slumped back into the seat, made a comfy pillow out of all the junk in the back seat of the car, and passed out.  Yayyyyyyy.  Kuroki and I  stopped by a convenience store to get some ice cream and water while Meguri snoozed in the backseat.   I was finally dropped off at home.

The drunken debauchery doesn’t change no matter what continent you are on folks…..same douche bag behavior everywhere.  Heehee. 

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Panty vending
Thank goodness no used ones inside (i think)

 This special little treat was found around the corner from the large downtown shrine as I was

venturing to find the insurance office.  A man walking a dog found it rather amusing that I was taking a photo here.  I love how in the whole of Japan security is very lax and people will turn in items like iPhones, but the panty vending machine needs to be barred up and secured like Alcatraz.  I was surprised to discover that there was not a moat around the machine too. 

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